Activity Input and Output

Activity Guide

The following workflow activities are available:

Read Line

Read text from standard in.

Category: Console

There are no input parameters

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Output System.String  


  • Done

Write Line

Write text to standard out.

Category: Console

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Text System.String Text The text to write. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done

Send Email

Send an email message.

Category: Email

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
From System.String From The sender’s email address. False True
To System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[System.String] To The recipients email addresses. False True
Cc System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[System.String] Cc The cc recipients email addresses. False True
Bcc System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[System.String] Bcc The Bcc recipients email addresses. False True
Subject System.String Subject The subject of the email message. False True
Attachments System.Object Attachments The attachments to send with the email message. Can be (an array of) a fully-qualified file path, URL, stream, byte array or instances of EmailAttachment. False True
Body System.String Body The body of the email message. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done
  • Success
  • Unexpected Error

Entity Changed

Triggers when an entity was added, updated or deleted.

Category: Entity

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
EntityName System.String Entity Name The Entity Name to observe. Matches any entity if no value is specified. False True
Action System.Nullable`1[Elsa.Activities.Entity.EntityChangedAction] Action The Entity Changed Action to observe. Matches any action if no value is specified. False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Output System.Object  


  • Done

Delete File

Deletes file at specified location

Category: File

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Path System.String Path Path of the file to delete. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done

Enumerate Files

Enumerates files in a given folder

Category: File

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Path System.String Path Path of the folder to enumerate files. False True
Pattern System.String Pattern Pattern for files to return. False True
IgnoreInaccessible System.Boolean Ignore Inaccessible Ignore inaccessible files. False True
MatchCasing System.IO.MatchCasing Match Casing Set case sensitivity. False True
SubDirectories System.Boolean Sub Directories Return files from sub directories False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Files System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[System.String] List of files.


  • Done

File Exists

Checks if a file exists

Category: File

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Path System.String Path Path of the file to check. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • True
  • False

Out File

Output input value to specified location

Category: File

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Bytes System.Byte[] Bytes Bytes to write to file. False True
Path System.String Path Path to create file at. False True
Mode Elsa.Activities.File.CopyMode Mode How the output file should be written. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done

Read File

Output input value to specified location

Category: File

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Path System.String Path Path to read content from. False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Bytes System.Byte[] Bytes of the file read.


  • Done

Temp File

Created a temporary file and returns its path

Category: File

There are no input parameters

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Path System.String Path of the created temporary file.


  • Done

Watch Directory

Triggers when files are created/modified in the given folder

Category: File

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Path System.String Path The path of the directory to watch False True
Pattern System.String Pattern The file pattern for interested files False True
ChangeTypes System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes Change Types The types of file system events to subscribe to False True
NotifyFilters System.IO.NotifyFilters Notify Filters   False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Output Elsa.Activities.File.Models.FileSystemEvent  


  • Done


Triggers periodically based on a specified CRON expression.

Category: Timers

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
CronExpression System.String Cron Expression Specify a Quartz CRON expression. Go to to generate valid Quartz cron expressions. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done


Triggers at a specified interval.

Category: Timers

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Timeout NodaTime.Duration Timeout The time interval at which this activity should tick. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done

Start at

Triggers at a specified moment in time.

Category: Timers

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Instant NodaTime.Instant Instant An instant in the future at which this activity should execute. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done

Clear Timer

Cancel a timer (Cron, StartAt, Timer) so that it is not executed.

Category: Timers

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
ActivityId System.String Activity Id The ID of the timer (Cron, StartAt, Timer) activity, which is to be cleared. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done

HTTP Endpoint

Handle an incoming HTTP request.

Category: HTTP

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Path System.String Path The relative path that triggers this activity. False True
Methods System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[System.String] Methods The HTTP methods that trigger this activity. False True
ReadContent System.Boolean Read Content A value indicating whether the HTTP request content body should be read and stored as part of the HTTP request model. The stored format depends on the content-type header. False True
TargetType System.Type Target Type   False True
Schema System.String Schema   False True
Authorize System.Boolean Authorize Check to only allow requests, which satisfy a specified policy False True
Policy System.String Policy Provide a policy to evaluate. If the policy fails, the request is forbidden. False True
AuthorizeWithCustomHeader System.Boolean Authorize With Custom Header Check to only allow requests, which have a specified header with a specified value False True
CustomHeaderName System.String Custom Header Name   False True
CustomHeaderValue System.String Custom Header Value   False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Output Elsa.Activities.Http.Models.HttpRequestModel The received HTTP request.


  • Done

HTTP Response

Write an HTTP response.

Category: HTTP

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
StatusCode System.Net.HttpStatusCode Status Code The HTTP status code to write. False True
Content System.Object Content The HTTP content to write. False True
ContentType System.String Content Type The HTTP content type header to write. False True
CharSet System.String Char Set The character set to use when writing the response. False True
ResponseHeaders Elsa.Activities.Http.Models.HttpResponseHeaders Response Headers Additional headers to write. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done

Send HTTP Request

Send an HTTP request.

Category: HTTP

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Url System.Uri Url The URL to send the HTTP request to. False True
Method System.String Method The HTTP method to use when making the request. False True
Content System.Object Content The HTTP content to send along with the request. False True
ContentType System.String Content Type The content type to send with the request. False True
Authorization System.String Authorization The Authorization header value to send. False True
RequestHeaders Elsa.Activities.Http.Models.HttpRequestHeaders Request Headers Additional headers to send along with the request. False True
ReadContent System.Boolean Read Content Read the content of the response. False True
ResponseContentParserName System.String Response Content Parser The parser to use to parse the response content. False True
ResponseContentTargetType System.Type Response Content .NET Type The assembly-qualified .NET type name to deserialize the received content into. False True
SupportedStatusCodes System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[System.Int32] Supported Status Codes A list of possible HTTP status codes to handle. False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Response Elsa.Activities.Http.Models.HttpResponseModel  
ResponseContent System.Object  


  • Done
  • Unsupported Status Code


Write an HTTP redirect response.

Category: HTTP

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Location System.Uri Location The URL to redirect to (HTTP 302). False True
Permanent System.Boolean Permanent Whether or not the redirect is permanent (HTTP 301). False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done

Run JavaScript

Run JavaScript code.

Category: Scripting

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Script System.String Script The JavaScript to run. False True
PossibleOutcomes System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[System.String] Possible Outcomes The possible outcomes that can be set by the script. False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Output System.Object  


  • Done

Data Types Read

Gets a list of all data types. Data types are used as hints on how to render an item in the user interface.

Category: Data

There are no input parameters

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
ReturnResult System.String  
ReturnId System.String  
DataTypes HubOneWorkflows.Models.Core.DataType[]  


  • Success

Create Object Instance

Creates a new object of the specified type with the specified values.

Category: Data

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
ObjectType HubOneWorkflows.Models.ObjectTypeIdOrName Object Type The Object Type False True
Values HubOneWorkflows.Models.ImmutableUserPropertiesCollection Values The data to create the new object with. False True
VariableName System.String Variable Name The Output Variable Name False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Instance HubOneWorkflows.Models.ObjectCurrentState The object state after being updated by this activity.
InstanceId System.Int64 The ID of the created object instance.


  • Done
  • Object type not found

Update Object Instance

Updates an exisiting object instance.

Category: Data

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
InstanceId System.Int64 Instance Id The Id of the Object to create detail for False True
ClearOmittedFields System.Boolean Clear Omitted Fields When this option is set (ie: true) any fields defined on the type that are missing from the specified valus are set to null. Otherwise, those fields are not updated. Note: Fields that are set to null are NOT considered missing. False True
Values HubOneWorkflows.Models.ImmutableUserPropertiesCollection Values The data to update the object with. False True
VariableName System.String Variable Name The Output Variable Name False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Instance HubOneWorkflows.Models.ObjectCurrentState The object state after being updated by this activity.


  • Done
  • Object instance not found

Get Object Instance

Gets the detail of an object from a specific state.

Category: Data

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
InstanceId System.Int64 Instance Id The Id of the object instance to retrieve. False True
VariableName System.String Variable Name   False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Instance HubOneWorkflows.Models.ObjectCurrentState The instance that was found.


  • Success
  • Object instance not found

List Object Instances

Retrieves the object instance list with an optional filter.

Category: Data

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
ObjectType HubOneWorkflows.Models.ObjectTypeIdOrName Object Type The object type to search for instances. False True
Filter System.String Filter An OData filter the specifies the instances that should be returned. City eq ‘Paris’ or Age gt 5 or City eq ‘Paris’ and Age le 5. False True
Skip System.Nullable`1[System.Int32] Skip The number of instances that would be returned to skip. This is applied AFTER both the Filter and Order By options. False True
Limit System.Nullable`1[System.Int32] Limit The maximum number of instances to return. When null all matching instances are returned. False True
OrderBy System.String Order by An OData order by clause to control the order that instances are returned. False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Output HubOneWorkflows.Models.ObjectCurrentState[] The instances that were found.


  • Done
  • Object type not found

List Object Instance History

Retrieves the object instance history list with an optional filter.

Category: Data

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
ObjectType HubOneWorkflows.Models.ObjectTypeIdOrName Object Type The object type to search for instances. False True
Filter System.String Filter An OData filter the specifies the instances that should be returned. City eq ‘Paris’ or Age gt 5 or City eq ‘Paris’ and ‘Age’ le 5. False True
Skip System.Nullable`1[System.Int32] Skip The number of instances that would be returned to skip. This is applied AFTER both the Filter and Order By options. False True
Limit System.Nullable`1[System.Int32] Limit The maximum number of instances to return. When null all matching instances are returned. False True
OrderBy System.String Order by An OData order by clause to control the order that instances are returned. False True
InstanceId System.Nullable`1[System.Int64] Instance Id The ID of the Object Instance to retrieve the history for. If this is not specified then the history for all instances is retrieved. False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Output HubOneWorkflows.Models.ObjectHistoryState[] The instances that were found.


  • Done
  • Object type not found
  • Object instance not found

Task Create

Creates a task, sets parameters and waits for it to complete.

Category: Tasks

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Title System.String Title Provide the Title of the Task False True
TaskDescription System.String Task Description The Description of the Task using Markdown False True
Severity System.Int32 Severity The severity of the Task False True
Priority System.Int32 Priority The Priority of the Task False True
Due System.Nullable`1[System.Int32] Due Days from Today that Task is Due (1-N) False True
RelatedObjectInstanceId System.Nullable`1[System.Int64] Related Object Instance Id The Id of the Object that this task is related to. Also used for data questions below. False True
DataQuestions HubOneWorkflows.Models.DataQuestionsCollection Data Questions Questions, or data to complete. The “Name” is the display label and the “Value” is the column name or ID to edit. False True
VariableName System.String Variable Name A Variable Name to set with the contents of the updated object False True
Branches System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[System.String] Branches Enter one or more Answers. These will become buttons for the user to respond to. False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
TaskId System.Nullable`1[System.Int64]  
SelectedBranch System.String  


  • Task Created
  • Task Completed
  • Task Error
  • Task Faulted

Task Delete

Deletes a task.

Category: Tasks

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
TaskId System.Int64 Task Id The Task Id False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
ReturnResult System.String  


  • Success

Task Detail Create

Adds a detail to task.

Category: Tasks

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
WorkflowsTaskId System.Int64 Workflows Task Id The Id of the Task False True
ObjectId System.Int64 Object Id The Id of the Object to Add False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
ReturnResult System.String  
ReturnId System.Int64  


  • Success

Task Details Read

Gets the details associated with a task.

Category: Tasks

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
WorkflowsTaskId System.Int64 Workflows Task Id The Task Id False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
ReturnResult System.String  
TaskDetails HubOneWorkflows.Models.Core.TaskDetail[]  


  • Success

Task Update

Updates a task.

Category: Tasks

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
WorkflowsTaskId System.Int64 Workflows Task Id The Id of the Task False True
ObjectId System.Int64 Object Id The Id of the Object to Add False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
ReturnResult System.String  
ReturnId System.Int64  


  • Success

Column Create

Adds a column to a type.

Category: Data

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
ObjectType HubOneWorkflows.Models.ObjectTypeIdOrName Type   False True
ColumnName System.String Column Name The Name of the Column False True
ColumnDisplayName System.String Column Display Name The Display Name of the Column False True
ColumnDescription System.String Column Description The Description of the Column False True
ColumnTypeId System.Int32 The Column Type Id   False True
PrincipalType System.Nullable`1[HubOneWorkflows.Models.ObjectTypeIdOrName] The Type Id of any relationship   False True
DisplayOrder System.Nullable`1[System.Int32] Display Order The DisplayOrder False True
Visible System.Boolean Visible Visible False True
Indexed System.Boolean Indexed Visible False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
ColumnId System.Int64 The ID of the newly created column.
ReturnResult System.String  
ReturnResultException System.String  


  • Success
  • Object type not found
  • Failed

Add Column Index

Adds an Index to an Object Type Column.

Category: Data

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
ColumnId System.Int64 Column Id The Id of the Column False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Output HubOneWorkflows.Models.API.ObjectTypeColumnInfo  


  • Success

Type Create

Creates a new Type.

Category: Data

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
TypeName System.String Type Name The Name of the Type False True
TypeDescription System.String Type Description The description of the type False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
ReturnResult System.String  
ReturnResultException System.String  
ReturnId System.Int64  


  • Success
  • Faulted

Type Delete

Deletes a type.

Category: Data

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
TypeId System.Int64 Type Id The ID of the type. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done

Columns Read by Type

Gets the columns for a type.

Category: Data

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
ObjectType HubOneWorkflows.Models.ObjectTypeIdOrName Type   False True
VisibleOnly System.Boolean Visible Only Only Return Visible Columns False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Columns System.Collections.Generic.List`1[HubOneWorkflows.Models.API.ObjectTypeColumnInfo]  


  • Success
  • Object type not found

Types Read

Gets a List of All Types.

Category: Data

There are no input parameters

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Types HubOneWorkflows.Models.API.ObjectTypeInfoWithColumns`1[HubOneWorkflows.Models.API.ObjectTypeColumnInfo][]  


  • Success

Type Get Id

Gets a Type Id by Name.

Category: Data

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
TypeName System.String Type Name   False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
ObjectTypeId System.Int64  
ObjectTypeIdOrName HubOneWorkflows.Models.ObjectTypeIdOrName  


  • Success

Remove Column Index

Removes an Index from an Object Type Column.

Category: Data

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
ColumnId System.Int64 Column Id The Column to Remove an Index from. False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Output HubOneWorkflows.Models.API.ObjectTypeColumnInfo  


  • Success
  • Failed

JSON Data Insert

Quickly inserts the provided data into a specified type and upgrades if required.

Category: Data

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
ObjectType HubOneWorkflows.Models.ObjectTypeIdOrName Object Type The Object Type False True
KeyField System.String Key Field The Key Field. Use this to update a record based on a field False True
ClearOmittedFields System.Boolean Clear Omitted Fields When this option is set (ie: true) any fields defined on the type that are missing from the specified valus are set to null. Otherwise, those fields are not updated. Note: Fields that are set to null are NOT considered missing. False True
Values HubOneWorkflows.Models.ImmutableUserPropertiesCollection Values The data to save. False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Output HubOneWorkflows.Models.ObjectCurrentState The object state after being updated by this activity.


  • Done
  • Type Not Found
  • No Data
  • Invalid Data

Views Read

Gets the list of views.

Category: Views

There are no input parameters

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Output HubOneWorkflows.Models.API.ViewRecord[]  


  • Success

View Create

Creates a View.

Category: Views

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
ViewName System.String View Name The Name of the View False True
ViewDescription System.String View Description The Description of the View False True
ObjectType HubOneWorkflows.Models.ObjectTypeIdOrName Type   False True
Projection System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableArray`1[HubOneWorkflows.Models.API.ViewProjection] Projection The list of columns to display in the order to display them in. False True
Query System.String Query The Query to filter items False True
Orderings System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableArray`1[HubOneWorkflows.Models.API.ViewOrdering] Orderings The list of orderings to apply to the instances in the view. False True
ParentId System.Nullable`1[System.Int32] Parent Id The Id of the Parent, null for the top menu False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
ViewId System.Nullable`1[System.Int32]  
View HubOneWorkflows.Models.API.ViewRecord  
ReturnId System.Int64  
ReturnResult System.String  
ReturnResultException System.String  


  • Success
  • Object type not found

Random Number Create

Generates a psuedorandom number. This should not be used for cryptography

Category: Primitives

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Seed System.Nullable`1[System.Int32] Seed The Seed. If this is 0, the timer is used as a seed False True
LowerBound System.Int32 Lower Bound The Lower bound of numbers to return inclusively False True
UpperBound System.Int32 Upper Bound The Upper bound of numbers to return inclusively False True
Sequence System.Int64 Sequence The Number in the sequence to return, capped at 100. If you set a seed, each time you call this with the same number, the result will be identical False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
ReturnResult System.Int32  


  • Success

Solutions Type Create

Creates a new Type for Solutions.

Category: Solutions

There are no input parameters

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
ReturnResult System.String  
ReturnResultException System.String  
ReturnId System.Int64  


  • Success
  • Faulted

Solutions View Create

Creates a View with outcomes required by solutions

Category: Solutions

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
ViewName System.String View Name The Name of the View False True
ViewDescription System.String View Description The Description of the View False True
ObjectType HubOneWorkflows.Models.ObjectTypeIdOrName Type   False True
Projection System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableArray`1[HubOneWorkflows.Models.API.ViewProjection] Projection The list of columns to display in the order to display them in. False True
Query System.String Query The Query to filter items False True
Filter System.String Filter The Filter to filter items False True
Orderings System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableArray`1[HubOneWorkflows.Models.API.ViewOrdering] Orderings The list of orderings to apply to the instances in the view. False True
ParentId System.Nullable`1[System.Int32] Parent Id The Id of the Parent, null for the top menu False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
ViewId System.Nullable`1[System.Int32]  
View HubOneWorkflows.Models.API.ViewRecord  
ReturnId System.Int64  
ReturnResult System.String  
ReturnResultException System.String  


  • Success
  • Object type not found
  • Faulted

Solutions Column Create

Adds a column to a type and returns outcomes required by solutions

Category: Solutions

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
ObjectType HubOneWorkflows.Models.ObjectTypeIdOrName Type   False True
ColumnName System.String Column Name The Name of the Column False True
ColumnDisplayName System.String Column Display Name The Display Name of the Column False True
ColumnDescription System.String Column Description The Description of the Column False True
ColumnTypeId System.Int32 The Column Type Id   False True
PrincipalType System.Nullable`1[HubOneWorkflows.Models.ObjectTypeIdOrName] The Type Id of any relationship   False True
DisplayOrder System.Nullable`1[System.Int32] Display Order The DisplayOrder False True
Visible System.Boolean Visible Visible False True
Indexed System.Boolean Indexed Visible False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
ColumnId System.Int64 The ID of the newly created column.
ReturnResult System.String  
ReturnResultException System.String  


  • Success
  • Object type not found
  • Failed

Delete Object Instance

Deletes an object instance.

Category: Data

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
ObjectInstanceId System.Int64 Object Instance Id The id of the object instance. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done
  • Object type not found

Object Instance Trigger

Allow for manually starting/resuming a workflow from an object instance.

Category: Data

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
ObjectTypeId System.Int64 Object Type Id The ID of the object type that can be used to trigger this activity. False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
InstanceId System.Int64 The requested object.
Instance HubOneWorkflows.Models.ImmutableObjectCurrentState The requested object.


  • Done

Execute SQL Query

Execute given SQL query and returned execution result

Category: SQL

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Database System.String Database Allowed databases to run SQL. False True
Query System.String Query SQL query to execute False True
ConnectionString System.String Connection String Connection string to run SQL False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Output System.Data.DataSet  


  • Done

Execute SQL Command

Execute given SQL command and returned number of rows affected

Category: SQL

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Database System.String Database Allowed databases to run SQL. False True
Command System.String Command SQL command to execute False True
ConnectionString System.String Connection string   False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Output System.Nullable`1[System.Int32]  


  • Done

Run Workflow

Runs a child workflow.

Category: Workflows

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
WorkflowDefinitionId System.String Workflow Definition The workflow definition ID to run. False True
TenantId System.String Tenant ID The tenant ID to which the workflow to run belongs. False True
Input System.Object Input Optional input to send to the workflow to run. False True
PossibleOutcomes System.Collections.Generic.ISet`1[System.String] Possible Outcomes Enter one or more potential child workflow outcomes you might want to handle. False True
CorrelationId System.String Correlation ID The correlation ID to associate with the workflow to run. False True
ContextId System.String Context ID The context ID to associate with the workflow to run. False True
CustomAttributes Elsa.Models.Variables Custom Attributes Optional custom attributes to associate with the workflow to run. False True
Mode Elsa.Activities.Workflows.RunWorkflow+RunWorkflowMode Mode Fire And Forget: run the child workflow and continue the current one. Blocking: Run the child workflow and suspend the current one until the child workflow finishes. False True
RetryFailedActivities System.Boolean Retry failed workflow True to retry existing ChildWorkflow instance instead of creating a new one when faulted. False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Output Elsa.Activities.Workflows.FinishedWorkflowModel  


  • Done
  • Not Found


Category: Miscellaneous

There are no input parameters

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Output System.Object  


  • Done


Puts the workflow into the specified state.

Category: State Machine

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
StateName System.String State Name The name of this state. False True
Transitions System.Collections.Generic.ISet`1[System.String] Transitions Enter one or more transition names. False True

There are no Output parameters

Interrupt Trigger

Resumes suspended workflows that are blocked on a specific trigger.

Category: Workflows

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
WorkflowInstanceId System.String Workflow Instance Id The ID of the workflow instance to resume. False True
BlockingActivityId System.String Blocking Activity Id The ID of the blocking activity to trigger. False True
Input System.Object Input An optional input to pass to the blocking activity. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done

Send Signal

Sends the specified signal.

Category: Workflows

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Signal System.String Signal An expression that evaluates to the name of the signal to trigger. False True
CorrelationId System.String Correlation Id An expression that evaluates to the correlation ID to use when signaling. False True
Input System.Object Input An expression that evaluates to an input value when triggering the signal. False True
SendMode Elsa.Activities.Signaling.SendSignalMode Send Mode The send-mode controls whether the signal should be sent asynchronously or synchronously. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done

Signal Received

Suspend workflow execution until the specified signal is received.

Category: Workflows

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Signal System.String Signal The name of the signal to wait for. False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
SignalInput System.Object The input that was received with the signal.
Output System.Object  


  • Done


Put the workflow in a faulted state.

Category: Primitives

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Message System.String Message Optional. The message to store as the reason for the fault. False True

There are no Output parameters


Category: Miscellaneous

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Function System.Func2[Elsa.Services.Models.ActivityExecutionContext,System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask1[Elsa.ActivityResults.IActivityExecutionResult]] Function   False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done

Set Context ID

Set context ID on the workflow.

Category: Primitives

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
ContextId System.String Context Id The context ID to set. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done

Set Name

Set the name of the workflow instance.

Category: Primitives

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Value System.String Value The value to set as the workflow instance’s name. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done

Set Transient Variable

Set a transient variable on the current workflow execution context.

Category: Primitives

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
VariableName System.String Variable Name The name of the transient variable to store the value into. False True
Value System.Object Value The value to store in the transient variable. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done

Set Variable

Set variable on the workflow.

Category: Primitives

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
VariableName System.String Variable Name The name of the variable to store the value into. False True
Value System.Object Value The value to store in the variable. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done


Set the CorrelationId of the workflow to a given value.

Category: Workflows

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Value System.String Value An expression that evaluates to the value to store as the correlation ID. False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Output System.String  


  • Done


Break out of a While, For or ForEach loop.

Category: Control Flow

There are no input parameters

There are no Output parameters


  • Done


Removes any blocking activities from the current container (workflow or composite activity).

Category: Workflows

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
ActivityOutput System.Object Activity Output The value to set as the workflow’s output False True
OutcomeNames System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[System.String] Outcome Names The outcomes to set on the container activity False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Output System.Object  


Iterate between two numbers.

Category: Control Flow

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Start System.Int64 Start The starting number. False True
End System.Int64 End The ending number. False True
Step System.Int64 Step An expression that evaluates to the incrementing number on each step. False True
Operator Elsa.Activities.ControlFlow.Operator Operator The operator to use when comparing the current value against the end value. False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Output System.Object  


  • Iterate
  • Done

For Each

Iterate over a collection.

Category: Control Flow

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Items System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[System.Object] Items A collection of items to iterate over. False True

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Output System.Object  


  • Iterate
  • Done


Fork workflow execution into multiple branches.

Category: Control Flow

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Branches System.Collections.Generic.ISet`1[System.String] Branches Enter one or more branch names. False True

There are no Output parameters


Evaluate a Boolean expression and continue execution depending on the result.

Category: Control Flow

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Condition System.Boolean Condition The condition to evaluate. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • True
  • False
  • Done


Merge workflow execution back into a single branch.

Category: Control Flow

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
EagerJoin System.Boolean Eager Join True if all blocking activities within the fork should be cleared. False True
Mode Elsa.Activities.ControlFlow.Join+JoinMode Mode WaitAll: wait for all incoming activities to have executed. WaitAny: continue execution as soon as any of the incoming activity has executed. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done

Parallel for Each

Iterate over a collection in parallel.

Category: Control Flow

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Items System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[System.Object] Items A collection of items to iterate over. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Iterate
  • Done


Evaluate multiple conditions and continue execution depending on the results.

Category: Control Flow

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Cases System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[Elsa.Activities.ControlFlow.SwitchCase] Cases The conditions to evaluate. False True
Mode Elsa.Activities.ControlFlow.SwitchMode Mode The switch mode determines whether the first match should be scheduled, or all matches. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Default
  • Done


Execute while a given condition is true.

Category: Control Flow

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
Condition System.Boolean Condition The condition to evaluate. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Iterate
  • Done


Allow work that executed after this activity to be undone.

Category: Compensation

There are no input parameters

There are no Output parameters


  • Body
  • Compensate
  • Cancel
  • Confirm
  • Done


Invoke a specific compensable activity.

Category: Compensation

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
CompensableActivityName System.String Compensable Activity Name The name of the compensable activity to invoke. False True
Message System.String Message Optional. The message to store as the reason for compensation. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done


Confirm a specific compensable activity.

Category: Compensation

Input Parameters

Name Type Label Hint ReadOnly Browsable
CompensableActivityName System.String Compensable Activity Name The name of the compensable activity to confirm. False True

There are no Output parameters


  • Done

Composite Activity

Category: Miscellaneous

There are no input parameters

Output Parameters

Name Type Hint
Output System.Object  


  • Done

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