Allows you to work with data and types in the system
Data Types Read
Description: Gets a list of all data types. Data types are used as hints on how to render an item in the user interface.
Category: Data
Output Properties:
- ReturnResult: No hint available
- ReturnId: No hint available
- DataTypes: No hint available
Create Object Instance
Description: Creates a new object of the specified type with the specified values.
Category: Data
- ObjectType: The Object Type
- Values: The Name field is the Column Name and the Value field is the value to assign to the Objects Column.
- VariableName: The Output Variable Name
Input Properties:
- ObjectType: The Object Type
- Values: The Name field is the Column Name and the Value field is the value to assign to the Objects Column.
- VariableName: The Output Variable Name
Output Properties:
- Instance: The object state after being updated by this activity.
- InstanceId: The ID of the created object instance.
Update Object Instance
Description: Updates an exisiting object instance.
Category: Data
- InstanceId: The Id of the Object to create detail for
- ClearOmittedFields: When this option is set (ie: true) any fields defined on the type that are missing from the specified valus are set to null. Otherwise, those fields are not updated. Note: Fields that are set to null are NOT considered missing.
- Values: The data to update the object with.
- VariableName: The Output Variable Name
Input Properties:
- InstanceId: The Id of the Object to create detail for
- ClearOmittedFields: When this option is set (ie: true) any fields defined on the type that are missing from the specified valus are set to null. Otherwise, those fields are not updated. Note: Fields that are set to null are NOT considered missing.
- Values: The data to update the object with.
- VariableName: The Output Variable Name
Output Properties:
- Instance: The object state after being updated by this activity.
Get Object Instance
Description: Gets the detail of an object from a specific state.
Category: Data
- InstanceId: The Id of the object instance to retrieve.
- Expanded: Retrieve information on related objects.
- VariableName: No hint available
Input Properties:
- InstanceId: The Id of the object instance to retrieve.
- Expanded: Retrieve information on related objects.
- VariableName: No hint available
Output Properties:
- Instance: The instance that was found.
- ExpandedObject: The Expanded Object if Requested
List Object Instances
Description: Retrieves the object instance list with an optional filter.
Category: Data
- ObjectType: The object type to search for instances.
- Expand: Expand with details from related Objects.
- Filter: An OData filter the specifies the instances that should be returned. City eq ‘Paris’ or Age gt 5 or City eq ‘Paris’ and Age le 5. Tip: don’t add quotes around date time fields
- Skip: The number of instances that would be returned to skip. This is applied AFTER both the Filter and Order By options.
- Limit: The maximum number of instances to return. When null all matching instances are returned.
- OrderBy: An OData order by clause to control the order that instances are returned.
Input Properties:
- ObjectType: The object type to search for instances.
- Expand: Expand with details from related Objects.
- Filter: An OData filter the specifies the instances that should be returned. City eq ‘Paris’ or Age gt 5 or City eq ‘Paris’ and Age le 5. Tip: don’t add quotes around date time fields
- Skip: The number of instances that would be returned to skip. This is applied AFTER both the Filter and Order By options.
- Limit: The maximum number of instances to return. When null all matching instances are returned.
- OrderBy: An OData order by clause to control the order that instances are returned.
Output Properties:
- Output: The instances that were found.
- ExpandedOutput: The Expanded Object if Requested
List Object Instance History
Description: Retrieves the object instance history list with an optional filter.
Category: Data
- ObjectType: The object type to search for instances.
- Filter: An OData filter the specifies the instances that should be returned. City eq ‘Paris’ or Age gt 5 or City eq ‘Paris’ and ‘Age’ le 5.
- Skip: The number of instances that would be returned to skip. This is applied AFTER both the Filter and Order By options.
- Limit: The maximum number of instances to return. When null all matching instances are returned.
- OrderBy: An OData order by clause to control the order that instances are returned.
- InstanceId: The ID of the Object Instance to retrieve the history for. If this is not specified then the history for all instances is retrieved.
Input Properties:
- ObjectType: The object type to search for instances.
- Filter: An OData filter the specifies the instances that should be returned. City eq ‘Paris’ or Age gt 5 or City eq ‘Paris’ and ‘Age’ le 5.
- Skip: The number of instances that would be returned to skip. This is applied AFTER both the Filter and Order By options.
- Limit: The maximum number of instances to return. When null all matching instances are returned.
- OrderBy: An OData order by clause to control the order that instances are returned.
- InstanceId: The ID of the Object Instance to retrieve the history for. If this is not specified then the history for all instances is retrieved.
Output Properties:
- Output: The instances that were found.
Column Create
Description: Adds a column to a type.
Category: Data
- ObjectType: No hint available
- ColumnName: The Name of the Column
- ColumnDisplayName: The Display Name of the Column
- ColumnDescription: The Description of the Column
- ColumnTypeId: No hint available
- PrincipalType: No hint available
- DisplayOrder: The DisplayOrder
- Visible: Visible
- Indexed: Visible
Input Properties:
- ObjectType: No hint available
- ColumnName: The Name of the Column
- ColumnDisplayName: The Display Name of the Column
- ColumnDescription: The Description of the Column
- ColumnTypeId: No hint available
- PrincipalType: No hint available
- DisplayOrder: The DisplayOrder
- Visible: Visible
- Indexed: Visible
Output Properties:
- ColumnId: The ID of the newly created column.
- ReturnResult: No hint available
- ReturnResultException: No hint available
Add Column Index
Description: Adds an Index to an Object Type Column.
Category: Data
- ColumnId: The Id of the Column
Input Properties:
- ColumnId: The Id of the Column
Output Properties:
- Output: No hint available
Type Create
Description: Creates a new Type.
Category: Data
- TypeName: The Name of the Type
- TypeDescription: The description of the type
Input Properties:
- TypeName: The Name of the Type
- TypeDescription: The description of the type
Output Properties:
- ReturnResult: No hint available
- ReturnResultException: No hint available
- ReturnId: No hint available
Type Delete
Description: Deletes a type.
Category: Data
- TypeId: The ID of the type.
Input Properties:
- TypeId: The ID of the type.
Columns Read by Type
Description: Gets the columns for a type.
Category: Data
- ObjectType: No hint available
- VisibleOnly: Only Return Visible Columns
Input Properties:
- ObjectType: No hint available
- VisibleOnly: Only Return Visible Columns
Output Properties:
- Columns: No hint available
Types Read
Description: Gets a List of All Types.
Category: Data
Output Properties:
- Types: No hint available
Type Get Id
Description: Gets a Type Id by Name.
Category: Data
- TypeName: No hint available
Input Properties:
- TypeName: No hint available
Output Properties:
- ObjectTypeId: No hint available
- ObjectTypeIdOrName: No hint available
Remove Column Index
Description: Removes an Index from an Object Type Column.
Category: Data
- ColumnId: The Column to Remove an Index from.
Input Properties:
- ColumnId: The Column to Remove an Index from.
Output Properties:
- Output: No hint available
JSON Data Insert
Description: Quickly inserts the provided data into a specified type and upgrades if required.
Category: Data
- ObjectType: The Object Type
- KeyField: The Key Field. Use this to update a record based on a field
- ClearOmittedFields: When this option is set (ie: true) any fields defined on the type that are missing from the specified valus are set to null. Otherwise, those fields are not updated. Note: Fields that are set to null are NOT considered missing.
- Values: The data to save.
Input Properties:
- ObjectType: The Object Type
- KeyField: The Key Field. Use this to update a record based on a field
- ClearOmittedFields: When this option is set (ie: true) any fields defined on the type that are missing from the specified valus are set to null. Otherwise, those fields are not updated. Note: Fields that are set to null are NOT considered missing.
- Values: The data to save.
Output Properties:
- Output: The object state after being updated by this activity.
Delete Object Instance
Description: Deletes an object instance.
Category: Data
- ObjectInstanceId: The id of the object instance.
Input Properties:
- ObjectInstanceId: The id of the object instance.
Output Properties:
- FailReason: No hint available
Rename Column
Description: Renames a column.
Category: Data
- ObjectType: No hint available
- Column: No hint available
- ColumnName: Leave empty to keep Column Name the same
- ColumnDisplayName: Leave empty to keep Column Display Name the same
Input Properties:
- ObjectType: No hint available
- Column: No hint available
- ColumnName: Leave empty to keep Column Name the same
- ColumnDisplayName: Leave empty to keep Column Display Name the same
Output Properties:
- Output: The Updated Object Type Column
Remove Column
Description: Removes a column.
Category: Data
- ObjectType: No hint available
- Column: No hint available
Input Properties:
- ObjectType: No hint available
- Column: No hint available
Output Properties:
- FailReason: The Reason for the failure
Object Instance Trigger
Description: Allow for manually starting/resuming a workflow from an object instance.
Category: Data
- ObjectTypeId: The ID of the object type that can be used to trigger this activity.
Input Properties:
- ObjectTypeId: The ID of the object type that can be used to trigger this activity.
Output Properties:
- InstanceId: The requested object.
- Instance: The requested object.
Clear Workflow Instances
Description: Deletes historical Workflow instances.
Category: Data
- WorkflowDefinitionName: Specify the workflow definition name to target or enter ‘All’ for all workflows.
- VersionSelection: Select ‘All’ to remove instances from all versions, ‘Keep current’ to retain the instances of the published workflow, or specify ‘Custom’ to remove of the instances of the specified version.
- CustomVersion: Clears the instances of all versions prior to the entered version.
- InstanceRetention: Keep the selected number of instances.
- DateSelection: Remove all instances before the specified date and time. (Format per regional settings)
- IncludeIdle: Select to include Idle instances.
- IncludeSuspended: Select to include Suspended instances.
- IncludeRunning: Select to include Running instances.
Input Properties:
- WorkflowDefinitionName: Specify the workflow definition name to target or enter ‘All’ for all workflows.
- VersionSelection: Select ‘All’ to remove instances from all versions, ‘Keep current’ to retain the instances of the published workflow, or specify ‘Custom’ to remove of the instances of the specified version.
- CustomVersion: Clears the instances of all versions prior to the entered version.
- InstanceRetention: Keep the selected number of instances.
- DateSelection: Remove all instances before the specified date and time. (Format per regional settings)
- IncludeIdle: Select to include Idle instances.
- IncludeSuspended: Select to include Suspended instances.
- IncludeRunning: Select to include Running instances.
Type History Delete
Description: Deletes historical records from the specified Type.
Category: Data
- SelectedType: The object type to search for instances.
- RetentionPeriod: Select the period type (leave blank to ignore).
- RetentionValue: Remove records older than x.
- RecordsRetention: Keep the selected number of records (-1 to ignore).
Input Properties:
- SelectedType: The object type to search for instances.
- RetentionPeriod: Select the period type (leave blank to ignore).
- RetentionValue: Remove records older than x.
- RecordsRetention: Keep the selected number of records (-1 to ignore).