Data Instance based workflows example

This guide shows how to create a workflow that can be executed from within the Object Editor Screen.

The process is as follows:

  1. Create a Type
  2. Create an Instance
  3. Create a Workflow with the Object Instance Trigger activity
  4. Execute and test the workflow

The instructions below show how to do this:

1. Create a Type

  1. Go To Workflows
  2. Login
  3. Navigate to Admin ->Types
  4. Click Add Type
  5. Type the Name and Description and click Save
  6. The example below shows the new type. Make note of the Title of your Type, in my case MyNewType

2. Create an Instance

  1. Click the Title of the Type you created above
  2. Click Add
  3. Enter the attributes of the new instance (in my case, this is just the title) and click Save
  4. The example below shows the new instance.

3. Create a Workflow with the Object Instance Trigger activity

  1. Navigate to Workflows - Workflow Definitions
  2. Click Create Workflow
  3. Click the Cog and enter details as follows:
    1. Enter an appropriate name name for the workflow, such as TypeName_Workflowname where the type name was chosen in step 1 above, in our case MyNewType Our name could be MyNewType_FirstWorkflow
    2. DisplayName is what you want to appear in the user interface. In our case I will use First Workflow for Testing
    3. Click Save
  4. Click Start and add the Activity Object Instance Trigger from the Data Section
    1. In the Object Type Id drop down, select the Type we have just created, in our case MyNewType
    2. In the Common tab, give the Activity a friendly name, in our case we will give it the same name as the workflow First Workflow for Testing
    3. Click Save
  5. Add a new activity List Object Instances from the Data Section
    1. Select our object type from the Object Type drop down, in our case MyNewType
    2. Set the Limit to 1
    3. In the Common tab, give the activity a name, in our case FirstObject
    4. Click Save
    5. Add a link it to the Object Instance Trigger activity
  6. Click Publish

4. Execute and Test Workflow

  1. Navigate to Admin -> Types
  2. Click the Name of the New Type created in Step 1
  3. Open the Object by clicking on the link in the first column. This is a unique number for that object.
  4. Click Workflows, and click the Play icon

5. See the Instance Log

  1. Navigate to Admin -> Workflows -> Workflow Instances
  2. The first entry will be the instance log of your workflow that just ran. Click the number under the ID (first) column.
  3. Click the List Object Instances Activity
  4. Click Journal and scroll down to List Object Instances
  5. Ensure the details reflect the object you chose

Congratulations, you have created a workflow that can be executed from within the Object Editor Screen.

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