Azure Administration - Work in progress

This plugin library provides activities for working with Azure Resource Group.

This plugin is in development. Contact us for details.

Getting Started

To Get started, you will need to generate some authentication values for your azure environment.

To do this:

  1. Setup the Azure CLI
  2. using az login, login to the appropriate subscription
  3. run: az ad sp create-for-rbac –name “ElsaAzureAdmin” –role contributor –scopes /subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx –sdk-auth > azureauth.json Where xxx-xxx-xxx is the id of your subscription you want to manage.*
  4. Create a workflow to talk to Azure
  5. Use the Create Arm Client Activity using the information from azureauth.json created in step 3 above
  6. Name this activity CreateClient
  7. In each following activity, set the Client Parameter to Javascript and enter the following code: activities.ClientCreate.Output()


The following activities are available in this plugin:

Create Client

Creates a new Authenticated client to communicate with Azure

Create Resource Group

Creates a new Resource Group.

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