Task Create
Description: Creates a task, sets parameters and waits for it to complete.
Category: Tasks
- Title: Provide the Title of the Task
- TaskDescription: The Description of the Task using Markdown
- Severity: The severity of the Task
- Priority: The Priority of the Task
- Due: Days from Today that Task is Due (1-N)
- RelatedObjectInstanceId: The Id of the Object that this task is related to. Also used for data questions below.
- DataQuestions: Questions, or data to complete. The “Name” is the display label and the “Value” is the column name or ID to edit.
- VariableName: A Variable Name to set with the contents of the updated object
- Branches: Enter one or more Answers. These will become buttons for the user to respond to.
Input Properties:
- Title: Provide the Title of the Task
- TaskDescription: The Description of the Task using Markdown
- Severity: The severity of the Task
- Priority: The Priority of the Task
- Due: Days from Today that Task is Due (1-N)
- RelatedObjectInstanceId: The Id of the Object that this task is related to. Also used for data questions below.
- DataQuestions: Questions, or data to complete. The “Name” is the display label and the “Value” is the column name or ID to edit.
- VariableName: A Variable Name to set with the contents of the updated object
- Branches: Enter one or more Answers. These will become buttons for the user to respond to.
Output Properties:
- TaskId: No hint available
- SelectedBranch: No hint available
Task Delete
Description: Deletes a task.
Category: Tasks
- TaskId: The Task Id
Input Properties:
- TaskId: The Task Id
Output Properties:
- ReturnResult: No hint available
Task Detail Create
Description: Adds a detail to task.
Category: Tasks
- WorkflowsTaskId: The Id of the Task
- ObjectId: The Id of the Object to Add
Input Properties:
- WorkflowsTaskId: The Id of the Task
- ObjectId: The Id of the Object to Add
Output Properties:
- ReturnResult: No hint available
- ReturnId: No hint available
Task Details Read
Description: Gets the details associated with a task.
Category: Tasks
- WorkflowsTaskId: The Task Id
Input Properties:
- WorkflowsTaskId: The Task Id
Output Properties:
- ReturnResult: No hint available
- TaskDetails: No hint available
Task Update
Description: Updates a task.
Category: Tasks
- WorkflowsTaskId: The Id of the Task
- ObjectId: The Id of the Object to Add
Input Properties:
- WorkflowsTaskId: The Id of the Task
- ObjectId: The Id of the Object to Add
Output Properties:
- ReturnResult: No hint available
- ReturnId: No hint available