Naming Conventions in World of Workflows

These standards have been developed by the Customer Success Team at World of Workflows.

It is is our intent that all Solutions we provide follow these standards, and we recommend you follow these standards when writing your own workflows.

Remember that World of Workflows is CaSe SensitIVE !

Workflow names

Each workflow is to be given both a Name and a DisplayName. These names should be descriptive and unique within the instance.


Short Name

Types should be named with a single word, or joined in CamelCase if more than one word is needed for clarity.

Start with a Capital

Type names should start with a Capital letter.


Types should be named in the singular. For example, a Type that will hold a list of customers should be called Customer. World of Workflows will display the plural of the type name when appropriate.

We make an exception for the Type Settings, which is always plural.

Variable names

Type names that represent a database object should be named with the Type of that database object. Therefore variable names will start with a Capital letter.

Normally we use the name of the Type as the name of the Variable. For example, if we are retrieving an instance of Customer the variable name would be Customer. Your logic may require deviation from this, eg OldCustomer, but do this with intention. Do not call it ‘MyCustomer’ except to distinguish with another variable ‘Customer’

Workflow Activities

Each activity name in a workflow is to be given a descriptive name. The default DisplayName should be modified to indicate the purpose of the activity.

Set Variable

The Set Variable defaults to “Set Variable”. Change the DisplayName to include the variable name.

  • when set to an initial value, use the syntax Init <variableName>
  • when set to value, use the syntax Set <variableName>
  • when the value of a counter is incremented use the syntax Increment <variableName>
  • when the value of a counter is decremented use the syntax Decrement <variableName>

The Get Object Instance activity

The syntax for the DisplayName of Get Object Instance should be Get <variableName>. For example, if we are retrieving an instance of a type of Customer into the variable Customer from the database, the DisplayName of the Get Object Instance would be Get Customer.

Sometimes we deliberately choose a different variable name from the Type of the retrieved instance. For example, getting a type of Customer into the variable OldCustomer from the database, the DisplayName of the Get Object Instance would be Get OldCustomer.

The List Object Instances activity

The syntax for the DisplayName of List Object Instances should be List <Type>. For example, if we are accessing a list of the Type Customer the DisplayName of List Object Instances would be List Customers.

Append a representation of any limit used in the activity.
For example List Customers up to 10 or List first 10 Customers.

Append a representation of any filter used in the activity.
For example List Customers active == true or List Active Customers.

The Update Object Instance activity

The syntax for the DisplayName of Update Object Instance should be Update <variableName>. For example, if we are writing a the variable Customer to the database the DisplayName of the Update Object Instance would be Update Customer.

The HTTP Endpoint activity

The syntax for the DisplayName of HTTP Endpoint should be <METHOD> url For example, if the activity is set to respond to a POST command of ‘/addCustomer’, the DisplayName for the activity should be POST /addCustomer

Endpoint (url) names should start with lowercase and be camelCased as needed.

Endpoints that are only designed to be called by your own workflows as should be prefixed ‘/api/’ For example a button on a web page that deletes a data row of a table might have the url /api/deleteRow. The HTP Endpoint activity would be called POST /api/deleteRow

The Send HTTP Request activity

The syntax for the DisplayName of Send HTTP Request should be <METHOD> url For example, if the activity is set to send a a POST command of ‘/addCustomer’, the DisplayName for the activity should be POST /addCustomer

The Redirect activity

The syntax for the DisplayName of Redirect should be Redircet to url For example, if the activity is set to redirect to ‘/home’, the DisplayName for the activity should be Redirect to /home

The Correlate activity

Factors to consider when deciding to add Correlate activities to your Workflows:

  • the workflow contains several execution paths
    • consider adding a Correlate activity at the beginning of each path
  • the workflow is called multiple times in the course of a business transaction
    • to debug this workflow you might need to be able to easily differentiate between the instance logs
  • do not change the Correlation ID when using Signals between workflows
    • Where you design workflows to use Signals for inter-workflow communication for not use the Correlate activity without understanding the ramifications on the Send Signal and Signal Received activities.

The Run Workflow activity

The DisplayName of the Run Workflow activity should include the name of the child workflow. For example, in the parent workflow AddCustomer which calls a workflow ‘GetCustomerByID’, the DisplayName for the Run Workflow command would be Run GetCustomerByID

The If/Else activity

The If/Else always returns either true or false. The DisplayName should indicate the true branch.

For example, we want to test if the customer exists. The name of the If/Else activity should be If customer exists (ie the true branch). Do not to use the negative of if customer does not exist because this requires the reader of the workflow to deal with a false value being processed down the true branch.

For loops

Use a DisplayName for the For Each loop as For Each <collectionName>, such as For Each Customers

Use a concatenation of this DisplayName as the Name. For example forEachCustomers

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