Listing Data

To list data from the database, you can use the ObjectInstanceList activity. This activity retrieves multiple records based on specified criteria. Note that filters in World of Workflows use oData.

  1. Add the ObjectInstanceList Activity:
    • Drag and drop the ObjectInstanceList activity into your workflow.
    • Specify the Type from which to retrieve records.
    • Define any filtering criteria, sorting options, and the number of records to retrieve.

    Example Configuration:

    • Table: Contact
    • Filter: Status eq 'Active' (using oData syntax)
    • Sort By: LastName asc
    • Limit: 100

Advanced Options

In ObjectInstanceList, the Expand option returns the data for any referenced object. For example, if a Contact has a reference field called ‘Company’, the Contact.Company field will have the ObjectId of a Company record.

  • Expand Checkbox:
    • Not Ticked: The output of ObjectInstanceList will include the Company field with the ObjectId.
    • Ticked: The ExpandedOutput of ObjectInstanceList will include the entire Company record as a child.

Set the activity Name

You should always set an activity Name for ObjectInstanceList so you can easily refer to the outoput in sunbsequent steps. You can use JavaScript to access the Output like this:

   // if the Expand checkbox is ticked
    // if the Expand checkbox is not ticked 

Set the activity Display Name

Set the activity’s Display Name for ObjectInstanceList because this shows in the workflow.

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