World of Workflows Business Edition

World of Workflows Business Edition is available on the Azure Marketplace here:

Azure Marketplace

Installation Instructions

Installing Pre-requisites

  1. Navigate to the Azure Portal Azure Portal
  2. Click + Create a resource Create Resource
  3. Search for User Managed Identity. User Managed Identity
  4. Under User Managed Identity, click Create
  5. Create or choose a Resource Group, Set the Region to be your local region and give the Identity a name. We commonly use WOWBEInstaller. Create Managed Identity
  6. Click Review + Create
  7. Give your managed Identity Permissions as follows:
    • for the subscription where you will install World of Workflows, make the managed Identity an Owner.
    • In Entra Id, in the directory you will install World of Workflows, make the managed Identity an Application Administrator

*Note: ** *The managed identity can be deleted after deployment is complete.

Installing World of Workflows

  1. Navigate to the Azure Portal Azure Portal
  2. Click + Create a resource Create Resource
  3. Search for User World of Workflows or click the link to the Azure Marketplace.
  4. Choose your plan and click Create
  5. Complete the form as follows:
    1. Project Details Project Details
      • Enter the subscription where you would like to install world of Workflows and create a new Resource Group by clicking Create new
    2. Instance Details Instance details
      • Choose the region where you want to install Wold of Workflows and choose a Site Name and Server Plan Name.
      • Site Name: This is the name of the application. It can be anything you want, must be unique and will become https://<sitename> when deployment is complete.
      • Server Plan Name: This can be anything you want and is the plan the server sits under. You use this for scaling your instance up and down.
    3. User assigned managed identity User Assigned Managed Identity
      • Choose the user assigned managed identity created in pre-requisites above. Identities need Owner Access to the subscription and Application Administrator access to Entra Id. This identity can be deleted after deployment is complete.
    4. Single Selector Single Selector
      • Create a new storage account for World of Workflows by clicking Create New. Storage Account
      • Ensure the storage account has a unique name and is configured for File Shares as the account kind. When done click Ok
      • Enter the name for the Client Application and Server Application in Entra Id. This will create the applications we will use to assign permissions and access the World of Workflows API from other applications.
    5. Managed Application Details Managed Application Details
      • Enter the Application Name (for example World of Workflows)
      • Edit the Managed Resource Group if required .
  6. Click Review and Create
  7. Accept the Terms and Conditions and click Create

After about 15 minutes, navigate to https://<sitename>

Granting Permissions

Granting permissions in World of Workflows requires you first to configure the Server Entra Id Application and then assign permissions.

Important: Wait until deployment is complete before performing the tasks below.

  1. Setting up Server Application
    1. You only need perform this once
    2. Navigate to Azure Portal –> Entra Id –> App Registrations
    3. Click All Applications
    4. Search for the Server application configured in step iv. above.
    5. Click API Permissions API Permissions
    6. Click Add a permission
    7. Click Microsoft Graph
    8. Click Delegated Permissions
    9. Select email, offline_access, openid and profile
    10. Click Add Permissions
    11. Click Grant Admin Consent
    12. Click Yes
  2. Granting Permissions
    1. Navigate to Azure Portal –> Entra Id –> Enteprrise Applications
    2. Click X next to Application type == Enteprrise Applications. Search Apps
    3. Search for and select the server applcation congfigured in step iv above.
    4. Under Manage, choose Users and Groups Users and Groups
    5. Click Add user/group Add Assignment
    6. Click None Selected
    7. Search for and select the User you want to grant permissions to Seelct User
    8. Click Select
    9. Click Assign. Administrator is the only role available in this version

Now you can navigate to your new server and login.

Table of contents

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