
The following table contains filters available using Liquid.

Filter Description Input Output
abs Returns the absolute value of a number. {{ -17 | abs }} 17
append Adds the specified string to the end of another string {{ "/my/fancy/url" | append: ".html" }} /my/fancy/url.html
at_least Limits a number to a minimum value. {{ 5 | at_least: 3 }} 5
at_most Limits a number to a maximum value. {{ 4 | at_most: 3 }} 3
capitalize Makes the first character of a string capitalized and converts the remaining characters to lowercase. {{ "hello world" | capitalize }} Hello world
ceil Rounds a number up to the nearest integer. {{ 4.2 | ceil }} 5
compact Removes any nil values from an array. {{ [1, 2, 3, "", nil, false] | compact }} [1, 2, 3]
concat Concatenates two strings. {{ "hello" | concat: " world" }} hello world
date Formats a date. {{ "2016-01-01" | date: "%Y" }} 2016
default Returns the specified value if the input is nil, false or an empty string. {{ nil | default: "hello" }} hello
divided_by Divides a number by another number. {{ 100 | divided_by: 2 }} 50
downcase Converts a string to lowercase. {{ "Hello World" | downcase }} hello world
escape Escapes a string. {{ "<script>" | escape }} &lt;script&gt;
escape_once Escapes a string once. {{ "<script>" | escape_once }} &lt;script&gt;
first Returns the first element of an array. {{ [1, 2, 3] | first }} 1
floor Rounds a number down to the nearest integer. {{ 4.2 | floor }} 4
join Joins the elements of an array with a specified string. {{ [1, 2, 3] | join: ", " }} 1, 2, 3
last Returns the last element of an array. {{ [1, 2, 3] | last }} 3
lstrip Removes whitespace from the left side of a string. {{ " hello world " | lstrip }} hello world
map Applies a filter to each element of an array. {{ [1, 2, 3] | map: "plus: 1" }} [2, 3, 4]
minus Subtracts a number from another number. {{ 100 | minus: 50 }} 50
modulo Returns the remainder of a number divided by another number. {{ 100 | modulo: 3 }} 1
newline_to_br Converts newlines to <br> tags. {{ "hello \n world" | newline_to_br }} hello <br> world
plus Adds a number to another number. {{ 100 | plus: 50 }} 150
prepend Adds the specified string to the beginning of another string. {{ "fancy/url" | prepend: "/my/" }} /my/fancy/url
raw Removes HTML escape codes and other formatting. Use when a JSON object has been turned into a string with JSON.stringify() {{ Variables.Contacts | raw }} {"firstname":"John"....}
remove Removes all instances of a specified string from another string. {{ "hello world" | remove: "l" }} heo word
remove_first Removes the first instance of a specified string from another string. {{ "hello world" | remove_first: "l" }} hello word
replace Replaces all instances of a specified string with another string. {{ "hello world" | replace: "l", "p" }} heppo worpd
reverse Reverses the order of the elements in an array. {{ [1, 2, 3] | reverse }} [3, 2, 1]
round Rounds a number to the nearest integer. {{ 4.2 | round }} 4
rstrip Removes whitespace from the right side of a string. {{ " hello world " | rstrip }} hello world
size Returns the size of an array or string. {{ [1, 2, 3] | size }} 3
slice Returns a slice of an array. {{ [1, 2, 3] | slice: 1, 2 }} [2, 3]
sort Sorts the elements of an array. {{ [3, 2, 1] | sort }} [1, 2, 3]
sort_natural Sorts the elements of an array in natural order. {{ ["a1", "a2", "a10"] | sort_natural }} ["a1", "a2", "a10"]
split Splits a string into an array. {{ "hello world" | split: " " }} ["hello", "world"]
strip Removes whitespace from both sides of a string. {{ " hello world " | strip }} hello world
strip_html Removes HTML tags from a string. {{ "<p>hello world</p>" | strip_html }} hello world
strip_newlines Removes newlines from a string. {{ "hello \n world" | strip_newlines }} hello world
times Multiplies a number by another number. {{ 100 | times: 2 }} 200
to_i Converts a floating point to an integer {{ 100.34 | to_i}} 100
truncate Truncates a string to a specified length. {{ "hello world" | truncate: 5 }} hello...
truncatewords Truncates a string to a specified number of words. {{ "hello world" | truncatewords: 1 }} hello...
uniq Removes duplicate elements from an array. {{ [1, 2, 3, 2, 1] | uniq }} [1, 2, 3]
upcase Converts a string to uppercase. {{ "Hello World" | upcase }} HELLO WORLD
url_encode URL encodes a string. {{ "hello world" | url_encode }} hello%20world
url_decode URL decodes a string. {{ "hello%20world" | url_decode }} hello world
where Filters an array of objects by a specified property. {{ site.posts | where: "title", "hello world" }} [<Post title="hello world">]

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