Using Write Line to aid debugging

The WriteLine activity is an outpu-only activity that can be used in a variety of ways

Show variable value

The Text output of the Write Line activity is available in the Instance Log. Here is an example of its use:

let action = getVariable("Parameters").Action
let r = 'Key eq '
if (action == "Draft") {
    r += "'QuoteEmailHTML'"
} else {
    // final
    r += "'QuoteEmailSigned'"

return r


The Display Name field in the Write Line activity can be used to carry comments that are easily seen in the workflow. For example:
alt text

Linking branches

Another helpful use of WriteLine is to bring branches of your workflow together. Perhaps an if/else path needs to join up, and you need a ‘holding’ activity to make the graphical representation of your workflow easier to understand. Feed as many branches into WriteLine as you need, and have a single exit point to your next activity. You can give it a meaningful comment too.

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