Deleting Data

To delete a record from the database, you can use the DeleteObjectInstance activity. This activity removes a specific record based on a unique identifier. You only need to supply the ObjectId, not the table.

  1. Add the DeleteObjectInstance Activity:
    • Drag and drop the DeleteObjectInstance activity into your workflow.
    • Supply the ObjectId of the record to be deleted.
  2. Example Configuration:
    • ObjectId: 54321

Note that the object cannot be retrieved once this activity succeeds.

This activity will fail if the data object cannot be deleted. This might occur if another data object is dependent on it.

Consider this example:

An application might have Contacts and Addresses. Each Contact could have 0 or more Addresses defined, with a Reference field in the Contact type pointing to the Address type.

Attempting to delete a Contact that has one or more Addresses defined wil fail.
This concept is commonly called Referencial Integrity.

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