Control Flow

The following activities belong to the control flow category:


Breaks the current iteration of a given For, For Each or While activity.

For example, if you have a While activity with a Condition value of true (representing an infinite loop), you can break out of this loop using the Break activity.


This activity has no additional properties other than the shared set of activity properties.


Signals the workflow runner that the current composite activity should be stopped.

Since workflows are composite activities, this means that when this activity is used within a workflow, the workflow instance will enter the Finished state. When used in a child composite activity, that activity will stop execution and yield back control to its container. However, it will not stop workflow execution itself.

The activity also removes any blocking activities within the scope of the currently executing composite activity including any child scopes.

For example, if you have a workflow with one or more custom composite activities and any of them are blocked on some activity, they will all be removed and the workflow will be complete. But if you have a custom composite activity that executes a Finish activity, only blocking activities within its immediate and descendant scopes will be removed.

Furthermore, the Finish activity provides the means to send back output from a custom composite activity to its parent.

To see how this works, check out the Parent/Child Workflows guide.

It also allows you to schedule any additional outcomes other than Done on the parent composite activity (which is useful only from custom composite activities since workflows are root composite activities).

Property Description
Activity Output The object to return as output from the currently executing composite activity to the parent composite activity.
Outcome Names Zero or more outcomes to schedule on the parent composite activity.
Outcome Description
Done Always scheduled when the activity completed.
* Any additional outcomes that are configured in the Outcome Names property


Models a looping construct that is similar to C#’s for statement where the loop executes from a starting number to a final number using a given step value.

Property Description
Start The number to start from when performing the loop.
End The number to stop at when performing the loop.
Step The number to use when incrementing the current value.
Operator The operator to use when comparing the current value against the End value.
Outcome Description
Iterate Scheduled for each iteration of the loop. When an iteration ends, the activity will automatically determine if another iteration should be scheduled.
Done Scheduled when the loop has finished.

The scoped variable Output is set by the activity in each iteration to store the iteration index and can be referred by activities in the scope of the Iterate outcome.

For Each

Models a looping construct that is similar to C#’s foreach statement where the loop iterates over a collection of objects.

There’s currently a limitation that prevents the use of the Literal and Liquid syntaxes when providing a value. Therefore, when using the designer, make sure to use the Json or JavaScript syntax.

When providing an expression using Json or JavaScript, make sure that the expression evaluates to an array.

Property Description
Items A collection of objects to iterate over.
Outcome Description
Iterate Scheduled for each iteration of the loop. When an iteration ends, the activity will automatically determine if another iteration should be scheduled.
Done Scheduled when the loop has finished.

The scoped variables CurrentValue and CurrentIndex are set by the activity in each iteration to store the value and iteration index (0 based) respectively. The variables can be referred by activities in the scope of the Iterate outcome.

The current value is also set as an output of the Iterate Outcome and can be accessed by the following activity by referring to the input variable.


Description: Fork workflow execution into multiple branches.

Category: Control Flow


  • Branches: Enter one or more branch names.

Input Properties:

  • Branches: Enter one or more branch names.


Description: Evaluate a Boolean expression and continue execution depending on the result.

Category: Control Flow


  • Condition: The condition to evaluate.

Input Properties:

  • Condition: The condition to evaluate.


Description: Merge workflow execution back into a single branch.

Category: Control Flow


  • EagerJoin: True if all blocking activities within the fork should be cleared.
  • Mode: WaitAll: wait for all incoming activities to have executed. WaitAny: continue execution as soon as any of the incoming activity has executed.

Input Properties:

  • EagerJoin: True if all blocking activities within the fork should be cleared.
  • Mode: WaitAll: wait for all incoming activities to have executed. WaitAny: continue execution as soon as any of the incoming activity has executed.

Parallel for Each

Description: Iterate over a collection in parallel.

Category: Control Flow


  • Items: A collection of items to iterate over.

Input Properties:

  • Items: A collection of items to iterate over.


Description: Evaluate multiple conditions and continue execution depending on the results.

Category: Control Flow


  • Cases: The conditions to evaluate.
  • Mode: The switch mode determines whether the first match should be scheduled, or all matches.

Input Properties:

  • Cases: The conditions to evaluate.
  • Mode: The switch mode determines whether the first match should be scheduled, or all matches.


Description: Execute while a given condition is true.

Category: Control Flow


  • Condition: The condition to evaluate.

Input Properties:

  • Condition: The condition to evaluate.

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